
Although most of my publications can be found in popular digital libraries and indexing services, such as DBLP and Scopus, not all of them actually are. Hence here follows a curated list of my whole publication record organised per kind (to complement most of the aforementioned services which organise papers per year): monographs, journals, conferences, and others (such as editorials or contributed chapters). Within each category, publications are nevertheless sorted by year, from the most recent to the oldest.

Since the complete metadata (e.g. the bibtex export) of each publication can be easily found at the provided link (alphanumeric publication tag), I only put the publication title and venue to avoid unnecessarily cluttering the page.

Also, a dedicated section at the end of the page lists all of my talks, again organised per kind: conferences, seminars, tutorials, and other (such as informal research collaborations). Yet again, within each category, talks are sorted from the most recent to the oldest.

Enjoy :)



  • [M1] 2016. “Coordination of Complex Sociotechnical Systems: Self-organisation of Knowledge in MoK.” Artificial Intelligence: Foundations, Theory, and Algorithms. Springer International Publishing.



  • [R29] “Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Cybersecurity: Classification and survey.” Elsevier Intelligent Systems with Applications.
  • [R28] “Distributing intelligent functionalities in the Internet of Things with agents and Digital Twins.” Elsevier Internet of Things.
  • [R27] “Programming IoT systems: A focused conceptual framework and survey of approaches.” Elsevier Internet of Things.


  • [R26] “Autonomous Mental Development at the Individual and Collective Levels: Concept and Challenges.” IEEE Access.
  • [R25] “Islands of cooperation emerge by stigmergic interactions in iterated spatial games.” PLoS ONE.


  • [R24] “Space-Fluid Adaptive Sampling by Self-Organisation” Logical Methods in Computer Science. EPIsciences.
  • [R23] “Digital Management of Competencies in Web 3.0: The C-Box® Approach” Future Internet. MDPI
  • [R22] “Agents and Digital Twins for the engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems: opportunities, and challenges” Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. Springer.
  • [R21] “A Survey on Agents Applications in Healthcare: Opportunities, Challenges and Trends” Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. Elsevier.


  • [R20] “Web of Digital Twins” ACM Transactions on Internet Technology. ACM.


  • [R19] “Time-Fluid Field-Based Coordination through Programmable Distributed Schedulers.” Logical Methods in Computer Science. EPIsciences.
  • [R18] “Augmenting BDI Agency with a Cognitive Service: Architecture and Validation in Healthcare Domain.” Journal of Medical Systems. Springer.
  • [R17] “Developing an ML pipeline for asthma and COPD: The case of a Dutch primary care service.” International Journal of Intelligent Systems. Wiley.
  • [R16] “Coordination of Autonomous Vehicles: Taxonomy and Survey.” ACM Computing Surveys. ACM.


  • [R15] “From Agents to Blockchain: Stairway to Integration.” Applied Sciences. MDPI.
  • [R14] “Twenty years of coordination technologies: COORDINATION contribution to the state of art.” Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming. Elsevier.
  • [R13] “Complementing agents with cognitive services: a case study in healthcare.” Journal of Medical Systems. Springer.
  • [R12] “Blockchain-Based Coordination: Assessing the Expressive Power of Smart Contracts.” Information. MDPI.


  • [R11] “Evaluating Origin–Destination Matrices Obtained from CDR Data.” Sensors. MDPI.
  • [R10] “Coordination in Socio-technical Systems: Where are we now? Where do we go next?” Science of Computer Programming. Elsevier.
  • [R9] “Logic programming as a service in multi-agent systems for the Internet of Things.” International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing. Inderscience.


  • [R8] “LPaaS as Micro-Intelligence: Enhancing IoT with Symbolic Reasoning.” Big Data & Cognitive Computing. MDPI.
  • [R7] “Spatial Tuples: Augmenting Reality with Tuples.” Expert Systems. Elsevier.
  • [R6] “Logic Programming as a Service.” Theory and Practice of Logic Programming. Cambridge University Press.
  • [R5] “ReSpecTX: Programming interaction made easy.” Computer Science and Information Systems. ComSIS Consortium.


  • [R4] 2017. “An Argumentation-Based Perspective Over the Social IoT.” Internet of Things Journal. IEEE.


  • [R3] 2015. “Developing pervasive multi-agent systems with nature-inspired coordination.” Pervasive and Mobile Computing. Elsevier.
  • [R2] 2015. “Coordinating activities and change: An Event-Driven Architecture for Situated MAS.” Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence. Elsevier.


  • [R1] 2014. “Coordination Mechanisms for the Modelling and Simulation of Stochastic Systems: The Case of Uniform Primitives.” International Modeling & Simulation Magazine. Society for Modeling & Simulation.



  • [C68] “Improving Reinforcement Learning-Based Autonomous Agents with Causal Models” 2024 25th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA).
  • [C67] “Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning for Cybersecurity: Approaches and Challenges” 2024 25th Workshop “From Objects to Agents” (WOA).
  • [C66] “The Cognitive Hourglass: Agent Abstractions in the Large Models Era” 2024 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS).
  • [C65] “Distributed Discovery of Causal Networks in Pervasive Environments” 2024 IEEE 20th Workshop on Context and Activity Modeling and Recognition (CoMoReA).
  • [C64] “The Degree of Entanglement: Cyber-Physical Awareness in Digital Twin Applications” 2024 IEEE 21st Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC).


  • [C63] “Learning Stigmergic Communication for Self-organising Coordination” 2023 4th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS).
  • [C62] “Towards Developing Digital Twin Enabled Multi-Agent Systems” 2023 11th International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS).
  • [C61] “Digital Twin & Blockchain: Technology Enablers for Metaverse Computing” 2023 IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications (MetaCom).
  • [C60] “A Chatbot-based Recommendation Framework for Hypertensive Patients” 2023 IEEE 36th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS).
  • [C59] “Multi-agent Learning of Causal Networks in the Internet of Things” 21st International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS).
  • [C58] “Towards Multi-agent Learning of Causal Networks” 22nd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS).


  • [C57] “Cooperative Driving at Intersections Through Agent-Based Argumentation” 24th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems. Springer.
  • [C56] “About Digital Twins, Agents, and Multiagent Systems: A Cross-Fertilisation Journey” Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. Best and Visionary Papers. Springer.
  • [C55] “Individual and Collective Self-Development: Concepts and Challenges” Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems. IEEE.
  • [C54] “Self-Development and Causality in Intelligent Environments” Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. IOS Press.
  • [C53] “Space-Fluid Adaptive Sampling: A Field-Based, Self-organising Approach” Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
  • [C52] “Combining Coordination Strategies for Autonomous Vehicles in Intersections Networks” 14th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing (IDC 2021). Springer.


  • [C51] “An Adaptive Approach for the Coordination of Autonomous Vehicles at Intersections” 30th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE 2021). IEEE.
  • [C50] “WIP: Preliminary Evaluation of Digital Twins on MEC Software Architecture.” 22nd IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2021). IEEE.
  • [C49] “Developing a ‘Sense of Agency’ in IoT Systems: Preliminary Experiments in a Smart Home Scenario.” 19th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom workshops 2021). IEEE.


  • [C48] “Degrees of Autonomy in Coordinating Collectives of Self-Driving Vehicles.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
  • [C47] “Time-Fluid Field-Based Coordination.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.


  • [C46] “Smart Contracts are More than Objects: Pro-activeness on the Blockchain.” Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing: Blockchain and Applications. Springer.
  • [C45] “ViTALiSE: Virtual to Augmented Loop in Smart Environments.” Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.
  • [C44] “Case studies for a new IoT programming paradigm: Fluidware.” 1st Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
  • [C43] “Comparative Analysis of Blockchain Technologies under a Coordination Perspective.” Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer.
  • [C42] “TuSoW: Tuple Spaces for Edge Computing.” Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks. IEEE.
  • [C41] “Risk Prediction as a Service: a DSS architecture promoting interoperability and collaboration.” Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems. IEEE.
  • [C40] “Argumentation-Based Coordination in IoT: A Speaking Objects Proof-of-Concept.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
  • [C39] “Towards Agent-oriented Blockchains: Autonomous Smart Contracts.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.


  • [C38] “From the Blockchain to Logic Programming and Back: Research Perspectives.” Proceedings of the 19th Workshop “From Objects to Agents”. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
  • [C37] “Logic Programming in Space-Time: The Case of Situatedness in LPaaS.” Proceedings of the 19th Workshop “From Objects to Agents”. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
  • [C36] “Transparent Protection of Aggregate Computations from Byzantine Behaviours via Blockchain.” Proceedings of the 4th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good. ACM.
  • [C35] “Blockchain for Trustworthy Coordination: A First Study with Linda and Ethereum.” Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence. IEEE.
  • [C34] “Distributed Speaking Objects: a Case for Massive Multiagent Systems.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
  • [C33] “Twenty Years of Coordination Technologies: State-of-the-Art and Perspectives.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
  • [C32] “Coordination of Complex Socio-technical Systems: Challenges and Opportunities.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
  • [C31] “Micro-intelligence for the IoT: SE Challenges and Practice in LPaaS.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Cloud Engineering. IEEE.


  • [C30] “Towards Argumentation-based Recommendations for Personalised Patient Empowerment.” Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Health Recommender Systems. ACM.
  • [C29] “Logic Programming as a Service (LPaaS): Intelligence for the IoT.” Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control. IEEE.
  • [C28] “Coordinating Distributed Speaking Objects.” Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. IEEE.
  • [C27] “Spatial Tuples: Augmenting Physical Reality with Tuple Spaces.” Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer.
  • [C26] “Novel Opportunities for Tuple-based Coordination: XPath, the Blockchain, and Stream Processing.” Proceedings of the 18th Workshop “From Objects to Agents”. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
  • [C25] “Programming the Interaction Space Effectively with ReSpecTX.” Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer.


  • [C24] “Towards Logic Programming as a Service: Experiments in tu-Prolog.” Proceedings of the 17th Workshop “From Objects to Agents”. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
  • [C23] “Game Engines to Model MAS: A Research Roadmap.” Proceedings of the 17th Workshop “From Objects to Agents”. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
  • [C22] “Multi-paradigm Coordination for MAS: Integrating Heterogeneous Coordination Approaches in MAS Technologies.” Proceedings of the 17th Workshop “From Objects to Agents”. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.


  • [C21] “Anticipatory Coordination in Socio-technical Knowledge-intensive Environments: Behavioural Implicit Communication in MoK.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
  • [C20] “Blending Event-Based and Multi-Agent Systems around Coordination Abstractions.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
  • [C19] “Reconciling Event- and Agent- Based Paradigms in the Engineering of Complex Systems: The Role of Environment Abstractions.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
  • [C18] “Models of Autonomy and Coordination: Integrating Subjective & Objective Approaches in Agent Development Frameworks.” Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer.


  • [C17] “Coordination-aware Elasticity.” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing. IEEE.
  • [C16] “TuCSoN Coordination for MAS Situatedness: Towards a Methodology.” Proceedings of the XV Workshop “From Objects to Agents”. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
  • [C15] “Coordination in Situated Systems: Engineering MAS Environment in TuCSoN.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
  • [C14] “On the ‘Local-to-Global’ Issue in Self-Organisation: Chemical Reactions with Custom Kinetic Rates.” Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops. IEEE.


  • [C13] “Probabilistic Embedding: Experiments with Tuple-based Probabilistic Languages.” Proceedings of the 28th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. ACM.
  • [C12] “Tuple-based Coordination of Stochastic Systems with Uniform Primitives.” Proceedings of the 14th Workshop “From Objects to Agents”. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
  • [C11] “Coordination for Situated MAS: Towards an Event-driven Architecture.” Proceedings of the International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
  • [C10] “Promoting Space-Aware Coordination: ReSpecT as a Spatial-Computing Virtual Machine.” Proceedings of the 6th International Spatial Computing Workshop. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.
  • [C9] “Probabilistic Modular Embedding for Stochastic Coordinated Systems.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
  • [C8] “MoK: Stigmergy Meets Chemistry to Exploit Social Actions for Coordination Purposes.” Proceedings of the Social Coordination: Principles, Artifacts and Theories Symposium. The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour.
  • [C7] “TuCSoN on Cloud: An Event- driven Architecture for Embodied / Disembodied Coordination.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
  • [C6] “Space-aware Coordination in ReSpecT.” Proceedings of the 14th Workshop “From Objects to Agents”. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
  • [C5] “Molecules of Knowledge: Self-Organisation in Knowledge-Intensive Environments.” Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer.
  • [C4] “Event-driven Programming for Situated MAS with ReSpecT Tuple Centres.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer.
  • [C3] “Parameter Engineering vs. Parameter Tuning: the Case of Biochemical Coordination in MoK.” Proceedings of the 14th Workshop “From Objects to Agents”. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.


  • [C2] “Self-Organising News Management: The Molecules of Knowledge Approach.” Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops. IEEE.
  • [C1] “Molecules of Knowledge: A Novel Perspective over Knowledge Management.” Doctoral Consortium of the 12th Symposium of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.


  • [A15] 2024. “Learning Opportunities in Collective Adaptive Systems.” Fluidware: Novel Approaches for Large-Scale IoT Systems. Springer. (book chapter)
  • [A14] 2024. “Fluidware Meets Digital Twins.” Fluidware: Novel Approaches for Large-Scale IoT Systems. Springer. (book chapter)
  • [A13] 2024. “Space-Fluid and Time-Fluid Programming.” Fluidware: Novel Approaches for Large-Scale IoT Systems. Springer. (book chapter)
  • [A12] 2024. “Towards an IoT-Oriented Software Engineering Methodology.” Fluidware: Novel Approaches for Large-Scale IoT Systems. Springer. (book chapter)
  • [A11] 2024. “Programming Approaches for Large-Scale IoT System Development: State of the Art.” Fluidware: Novel Approaches for Large-Scale IoT Systems. Springer. (book chapter)
  • [A10] 2024. “Agent-based systems in healthcare.” Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. Elsevier. (editorial)
  • [A9] 2023. “Agents on the Web.” Dagstuhl Reports. Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum f{"u}r Informatik. (Dagstuhl report)
  • [A8] 2023. “Special Issue ‘Advances in Multi-Agent Systems’: Editorial.” Applied Sciences. MDPI. (editorial)
  • [A7] 2020. “Special Issue ‘Multi-Agent Systems’: Editorial.” Applied Sciences. MDPI. (editorial)
  • [A6] 2020. “Guest Editorial: Healthcare Intelligent Multi Agent Systems.” Journal of Medical Systems. Springer. (editorial)
  • [A5] 2019. “Deliver intelligence to integrate care: the Connecare way.” International Journal of Integrated Care. (extended conference abstract)
  • [A4] 2019. “Special Issue ‘Multi-Agent Systems’: Editorial.” Applied Sciences. MDPI. (editorial)
  • [A3] 2019. “Intelligent Agents and Environment.” Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. Elsevier. (invited chapter)
  • [A2] 2017. “State-of-the-Art and Trends in Nature-inspired Coordination Models.” Intelligent Informatics Bulletin. IEEE. (invited contribution)
  • [A1] 2013. “Agents & multiagent systems: En route towards complex intelligent systems.” Intelligenza Artificiale. IOS Press. (invited contribution)




  • [C27] “Distributed Discovery of Causal Networks in Pervasive Environments” 20th Workshop on Context and Activity Modelling and Recognition (CoMoReA). Biarritz, France, 11/3/2024.


  • [C26] “Learning Stigmergic Communication for Self-organising Coordination” 4th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS). Toronto, Canada, 25-29/09/2023.
  • [C25] “Multi-agent Learning of Causal Networks in the Internet of Things” 21st International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS). Guimaraes, Portugal, 12-14/07/2023.
  • [C24] “Towards developing Digital Twin enabled Multi-Agent Systems” 11th International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS). London, UK, 29-30/06/2023.


  • [C23] “Cooperative Driving at Intersections Through Agent-Based Argumentation” 24th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA). Valencia, Spain, 16-18/11/2022.
  • [C22] “About Digital Twins, agents, and multiagent systems: a cross-fertilisation journey” 10th International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS). Online, 9-10/5/2022.


  • [C21] “An Adaptive Approach for the Coordination of Autonomous Vehicles at Intersections.” 30th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE). Online, 27-29/10/2021.
  • [C20] “Degrees of Autonomy in Coordinating Collectives of Self-Driving Vehicles.” 10th International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISOLA). Hybrid, 25-29/10/2021.
  • [C19] “Combining Coordination Strategies for Autonomous Vehicles in Intersection Networks.” 14th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing (IDC). Online, 16-18/9/2021.
  • [C18] “Augmenting BDI agency with a Cognitive Service: general architecture and validation in healthcare domain.” XIII International Workshop on Agents Applied in Healthcare (A2HC). Online, 04/05/2021. (video)
  • [C17] “Developing a “Sense of Agency” in IoT Systems: Preliminary Experiments in a Smart Home Scenario.” XVII International Workshop on Context and Activity Modeling and Recognition (CoMoReA). Online, 22/03/2021. (video)


  • [C16] “Argumentation-based Coordination in IoT: a Speaking Objects Proof-of-Concept.” 12th International Conference on Internet and Distributed Computing Systems. Napoli, Italy, 10/10/2019. (interactive version)
  • [C15] “Risk Prediction as a Service: a DSS architecture promoting interoperability and collaboration.” 32nd IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems. Cordoba, Spain, 07/06/2019. (interactive version)


  • [C14] “Coordination of Complex Socio-technical Systems: Challenges and Opportunities.” 16th International workshop on Foundations of Coordination Languages and Self-adaptative Systems. Toulouse, France, 26/06/2018. (invited keynote)
  • [C13] “Twenty Years of Coordination Technologies: State-of-the-Art and Perspectives.” 20th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages. Madrid, Spain, 18/06/2018.


  • [C12] “Programming the Interaction Space Effectively with ReSpecTX.” 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing. Belgrade, Serbia, 12/10/2017.


  • [C11] “Anticipatory Coordination in Socio-technical Knowledge-intensive Environments: Behavioural Implicit Communication in MoK.” XIV Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence. Ferrara, Italy, 24/09/2015. (interactive version)
  • [C10] “Blending Event-Based and Multi-Agent Systems around Coordination Abstractions.” 17th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages. Grenoble, France, 03/06/2015.


  • [C9] “On the ‘Local-to-Global’ Issue in Self-Organisation: Chemical Reactions with Custom Kinetic Rates.” 2nd Workshop on Fundamentals of Collective Adaptive Systems. London, UK, 08/09/2014.
  • [C8] “Models of Autonomy and Coordination: Integrating Subjective & Objective Approaches in Agent Development Frameworks.” 8th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing. Madrid, Spain, 03/09/2014.


  • [C7] “Parameter Engineering vs. Parameter Tuning: the Case of Biochemical Coordination in MoK.” 14th Workshop Nazionale “Dagli Oggetti agli Agenti”. Torino, Italy, 02/12/2013.
  • [C6] “Event-driven Programming for Situated MAS with ReSpecT Tuple Centres.” 4th Joint Agent-oriented Workshops in Synergy. Koblenz, Germany, 17/09/2013.
  • [C5] “Probabilistic Modular Embedding for Stochastic Coordinated Systems.” 15th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages. Firenze, Italy, 04/06/2013.
  • [C4] “Promoting Space-Aware Coordination: ReSpecT as a Spatial-Computing Virtual Machine.” Spatial Computing Workshop. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, 06/05/2013.
  • [C3] “MoK: Stigmergy Meets Chemistry to Exploit Social Actions for Coordination Purposes.” Social Coordination: Principles, Artifacts and Theories Symposium at the AISB Annual Convention. Exeter, UK, 03/04/2013.


  • [C2] “Molecules of Knowledge: Self-Organisation in Knowledge-Intensive Environments.” 6th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing. Amantea, Italy, 25/09/2012.
  • [C1] “Self-Organising News Management: The Molecules of Knowledge Approach.” 1st International Workshop on Adaptive Service Ecosystems: Natural and Socially Inspired Solutions. Lyon, France, 10/09/2012.


  • [S4] 2019. “The Quest Towards Coordination from Distributed to Socio-technical Systems.” Research day “AI: from Tutorials to Hands On”. Namur, Belgium, 06/12/2019. (invited seminar)
  • [S3] 2016. “Advanced Coordination Techniques: Experiments with TuCSoN and ReSpecT.” Mobile and Distributed Programming course, University of Namur. Namur, Belgium, 28/04/2016. (invited lesson)
  • [S2] 2015. “Self-organisation of Knowledge in Socio-technical Systems: A Coordination Perspective.” ISTC CNR. Rome, Italy, 06/11/2015. (invited seminar)
  • [S1] 2014. “Stochastic Coordination in CAS: Expressiveness & Predictability.” Collective Adaptive Systems: Qualitative and Quantitative Modelling and Analysis. Dagstuhl, Germany, 15/12/2014. (Dagstuhl seminars)


  • [T1] 2017. “Nature-inspired Coordination: Current Status and Research Trends.” IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence. Leipzig, Germany, 23/08/2017. (invited tutorial)


  • [A3] “Coordination Issues in Complex Socio-technical Systems: Self-organisation of Knowledge in MoK.” PhD defense. Bologna, Italy, 12/05/2016. (link to video missing in slides)
  • [A2] 2014. “Molecules of Knowledge: Self-Organisation in Knowledge-Intensive Environments.” Distributed Systems Group, TU Wien, 29/04/2014. (informal presentation during PhD visiting period)
  • [A1] 2013. “Probabilistic Embedding: Experiments with Tuple-based Probabilistic Languages.” 28th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. Coimbra, Portugal, 21/03/2013. (poster presentation)