EMAS @ AAMAS, 29-30/5/2023

Towards developing Digital Twin enabled Multi-Agent Systems

Stefano Mariani*, Marco Picone*, Alessandro Ricci°

*University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Reggio Emilia, Italy
°University of Bologna, Cesena campus, Italy


  • MAS lack principled approach to engineer the digital <-> physical frontier
    • there are model and methods for environment modeling
    • but the focus is mostly on interface exposed to agents
    • and the "nuts and bolts" of digital <-> physical connection lack structure
  • DTs may fill in the gap!
    • uniform and interoperable access to resources
    • digital <-> physical synchronisation


Better MAS environment engineering!

  • separation of concerns MAS <-> CPS
  • independent evolution MAS <-> CPS


  • put DTs between MAS and CPS
  • let DTs handle interface towards CPS

Digital Twins

  • Virtualisation of real world entities (physical assets)
  • Faithful digital replicas
  • Deeply intertwined with their physical twin
  • Connected in a web of semantic overlays

Ricci, A. et al.: Web of digital twins. Transactions on Internet Technology, ACM. 2021.

Separation of concerns

  • DTs operate with full knowledge of the local context of their associated PA
    • access to data
    • available actions
    • knows nothing about other PAs
  • Agents operate with partial knowledge of the global context of the application
    • application goals
    • available DTs
    • knows nothing about how to operate on PA

Mariani, S. et al.: Agents and Digital Twins for the engineering of cyber-physical systems: opportunities, and challenges.
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, Springer. To appear.

This separation allows for assigning clear responsibilities during system design!

Conceptual architecture I

Artefacts in A&A

  • Bring level of abstraction closer to AOP
  • by encapsulating env. resources as agents' tools
  • thus mapping MAS env. resources to available perceptions and admissible actions

Omicini, A., Ricci, A., Viroli, M.: Artifacts in the A&A meta-model for multi-agent systems. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 17(3), 432–456 (2008)

Conceptual architecture II

  • DTs promote development paradigm closer to devices
  • Artefacts promote development paradigm closer to agents

Integrating the two enables our goals!

But how, in practice?

Technical architecture

Enabler technologies

  • JaCaMo: jacamo.sourceforge.net
    • MAS development and execution platform
    • embraces the A&A meta-model via CArtAgO
    • programmatic management of artefacts
  • WLDT: github.com/wldt
    • DTs development and execution platform
    • discovery service
    • web-ready DT descriptor

DTs layer

  • DTDescriptor: JSON/XML representation of the DT
    • properties (e.g. temperature, location, local time)
    • actions (e.g. turn on, turn off, set temperature)
    • behaviours (e.g. turn on until temp > 18)
    • relations to other DTs (e.g. thermostat linked to A/C system)
    • metadata (e.g. connection protocol, URL)
  • WLDTDiscoveryService: advertise & discover DTs
    • exposes DTDescriptor to known address

Integration layer I

  • DTDiscoveryArtefact: automatically creates artefacts connected to DTs
    • DT property <-> artefact observable prop.
    • DT action <-> artefact operation
    • DT behaviour <-> observable prop. + operation
    • DT relation <-> artefact link
  • exploits JaCaMo and WLDT services to
    • programmatically create artefacts in workspace
    • do the mapping above
    • set-up bi-directional comm. link artefact <-> DT

Developers' point of view

  • MAS side
    • develop their agents
    • configure DTDiscoveryArtefact with well-known URL of WLDTDiscoveryService
    • start the automatic "creation & mapping" process (ad-hoc operation)
  • CPS side
    • develop their DTs
    • publish them to the WLDTDiscoveryService

Little agreement is required -> loose coupling
(both at design and run time)

Conclusion & outlook

  • The proposed integration promotes separation of concerns and independent evolution
  • We expect to open source the integration during summer 😊
    • JaCaMo components are already available (workspaces, artefacts, links, programmatic API)
    • Some WLDT components are now underway (discovery service)
  • Enabling experimentation of the synergies between agents and DTs!


for your attention

Stefano Mariani

Are there questions?

(we hope so 😊)