Welcome :)
I’m Stefano Mariani, post-doc researcher and adjunct professor in the Distributed and Pervasive Intelligence Group at the Department of Sciences and Methods for Engineering of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. On my spare time (lol) I enjoy music, basketball, and being a father of three—although as females they often prefer fairies and makeup to dinosaurs and robots…oh well.
Now, back to business.
Current position
- Post-doc researcher at the Department of Sciences and Methods for Engineering of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy (“RTD-b”, in Italian)
- Adjunct professor for the course of Fundamentals of Programming1 in the Bachelor Degree in Management Engineering of the same University
- Professor for the course of Emerging IT technologies: Autonomous Systems and Blockchains in the XXXVI Cycle of the Doctorate School in Industrial Innovation Engineering of the same University
Current research
- WP leader for the Italian MIUR PRIN 2017 project “Fluidware”, to develop a novel programming model for IoT services and applications, and the associated supporting platform, engineering methodologies, and tools, to ease the development of flexible and robust large-scale IoT services and applications
Current teaching
- Adjunct professor for the course of Fundamentals of Programming1 in the Bachelor Degree in Management Engineering of the same University, where I use Python as a reference language for basic programming concepts, such as variables, functions, and I/O
- Professor for the course of Emerging IT technologies: Autonomous Systems and Blockchains in the XXXVI Cycle of the Doctorate School in Industrial Innovation Engineering of the same University
- Seminar about blockchain technology for the course of Distributed Artificial Intelligence at the Master degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
- Seminar about blockchain technology for the course of Advanced Information Systems at the Master degree in Management Engineering at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia